Course Reserves Search

Instructor Course Name(s) Items
Hungerford, Anne
  • Developmental Psychology
  • PSY 423
  • Psychology 423
Coombs, Thomas
  • CHM 211 - Coombs
  • Organic Chemistry
Beer, Christian
  • ECN 221
  • Economics 221
Chen-Edinboro, Lenis
  • PBH 299
  • Public Health Studies 299
Puente, Antonio E
  • PSY 256
  • Psychology 256
Puente, Antonio E
  • PSY 495
  • Psychology 495
Hungerford, Anne
  • PSY 220
  • Psychology 220
Hungerford, Anne
  • PSY 320
  • Psychology 320
Mrak, Ariana
  • SPN 306
  • Spanish 306
Mrak, Ariana
  • SPN 215
  • Spanish 215
Boomershine, Amanda
  • SPN 305
  • Spanish 305
Fleming, Alyson
  • BIO 366
  • Biology 366
Salwen, Barry D
  • MUS 117
  • Music 117
Barnes, Donald C
  • MKT 443
  • Marketing 443
Sackley, William H
  • FIN 440
  • Finance 440
Myers, Jennifer
  • PSY 105
  • Psychology 105
Myers, Bryan
  • PSY 225
  • Psychology 225
Myers, Bryan
  • PSY 275
  • Psychology 275
Overman, William
  • PSY 256
  • Psychology 256
Overman, William
  • PSY 456
  • Psychology 456
McNamee, Stephen
  • SOC 380
  • Sociology 380
King, Donna
  • SOC 105
  • Sociology 105
Rawitsch, Elizabeth
  • FST 110
  • Film Studies 110
Lee, Hee-Seung
  • CHM 521
  • Chemistry 521
Galbraith, Craig S
  • EBD 481
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Development 481
Galbraith, Craig S
  • MGT 455
  • Management 455
Pate, Melannie
  • PBH 359
  • Public Health Studies 359
Noles, Erica
  • PSY 355
  • Psychology 355
Boyd, Babette
  • CRM 105
  • Criminology 105
Michaels, Erin
  • SOC 325
  • Sociology 325
Michaels, Erin
  • SOC 215
  • Sociology 215
Kuz-Grady, Anastasia
  • INT 367
  • International Studies 367
Harris, Emmanuel
  • SPN 312
  • Spanish 312
Richie, Nivine
  • CFA Prep Exam
Hoffmann, Sharon
  • OCN 150
  • Oceanography 150
Olsen, Richard
  • COM 200
  • Communication Studies 200
Nguyen, Simone
  • PSY 211
  • Psychology 211
Williard, Amanda
  • BIO 454
  • Biology 454
Richie, Nivine
  • FIN 433
  • Finance 433
Watanabe, Wade
  • BIO 486
  • Biology 486
Noles, Erica
  • PSY 105
  • Psychology 105
Fogarty, Nicole
  • BIO 463
  • Biology 463
Iselin, Anne-Marie
  • PSY 247
  • Psychology 247
Boomershine, Amanda
  • SPN 307
  • Spanish 307
Agnir, Mirla Criste
  • THR 121/212
  • Theatre 121/212
Watson, Ethan
  • IMB 548
  • International Business 548
Sigler, Kevin
  • IMB 533
  • International Business 533
Roberts, Chadwick
  • ENG 267
  • English 267
Puente, Antonio
  • PSY 105
  • Psychology 105
Simpson, Thomas
  • ECN 324
  • Economics 324
Spencer, Helena
  • MUS 351
  • Music 351
Ray, Anirban
  • ENG 312
  • English 312
Mathews, Shirley
  • ENG 202
  • English 202
Tessier, Eric
  • FRH 101
  • French 101
Juall, Scott
  • FRH 102
  • French 102
Belanger, Ksenia
  • FRH 102
  • French 102
Mrak, Ariana
  • SPN 305
  • Spanish 305
Vanderminden, Jennifer
  • SOC 345
  • Sociology 345
Manning, Michelle
  • ENG 101
  • English 101
Manning, Michelle
  • ENG 110
  • English 110
Michaels, Erin
  • SOC 105
  • Sociology 105
Ciner, Cetin
  • IMB 535
  • International Business 535
Waity, Julia
  • SOC 260
  • Sociology 260
Waity, Julia
  • SOC 496
  • Sociology 496
Dransoff, Marisa
  • UNI 101
  • University College 101
Penneys, Darin
  • BIO 201/202
  • Biology 201/202
Fogarty, Nicole
  • BIO 201/202
  • Biology 201/202
Stevens, John
  • SPN 307
  • Spanish 307
Hunt, Tammy
  • IMB 552
  • International Business 552
Scribner, Lisa
  • IMB 540
  • International Business 540
Hallenbeck, Sarah
  • ENG 101/103/201
  • Englis 101/103/201
Wray, Barry
  • IMB 515
  • International Business 515
Penton, Elizabeth
  • ARH 203
  • Art History 203
Penna, Robert
  • PLS 360
  • Political Science 360
Brudney, Jeff
  • PLS 360
  • Political Science 360
Fleming, Alyson
  • BIO 564
  • Biology 564
Puente, Antonio
  • PSY 405
  • Psychology 405
Clements, Caroline
  • PSY 247
  • Psychology 247
Clements, Caroline
  • PSY 352
  • Psychology 352
DeVall, Kristen
  • SOC 215
  • Sociology 215
Fleck, Terry
  • MAT 151
  • Mathematics 151
Skrabal, Stephen
  • CHM 575
  • Chemistry 575
Gebauer, Judith
  • MIS 213
  • Management Information Systems 213
Noles, Erica
  • PSY 355
  • Psychology 355
Library Help Desk
  • CRP
  • Course Reserves - Permanent
Carroll, Rachel
  • STT 350
  • Statistics 350
Robinson, Tess
  • ENG 201
  • English 201
Pulliam, Samantha
  • ENG 201
  • English 201
Bass, Heather
  • ENG 201
  • English 201
Stallings, Jess
  • ENG 201
  • English 201
Kocamaner, Hikmet
  • ANT 206
  • Anthropology 206
Penneys, Darin
  • BIO 311
  • Biology 311
Glass, Anne
  • GRN 501
  • Gerontology 501
Rice, John
  • SOC 105
  • Sociology 105
Harris, Emmanuel
  • SPN 303
  • Spanish 303
Bellacero, Cynthia
  • ANT 207
  • Anthropology 207
Gebauer, Judith
  • MIS 480
  • Management Information Systems 480
Parker, Noelle
  • ENG 101
  • English 101
Sawyer, Samantha
  • ENG 101
  • English 101
Farinella, Joseph
  • IMB 531
  • International Business 531
Sackley, William
  • IMB 532
  • International Business 532
Wagenseller, Edwin
  • THR 355
  • Theatre 355
Woditschka, Stephan
  • BIO 335
  • Biology 335
Moffett, Clay
  • IMB 539
  • International Business 539
Barthe, Pascale
  • FRH 311
  • French 311
McGuire, Beverley
  • PAR 232
  • Philosophy and Religion 232
Morling, Magdalena
  • CRW 542
  • Creative Writing 542
Loh, Ai Ning
  • GLY 473/573
  • Geology 473/573
Mrak, Ariana
  • SPN 508
  • Spanish 508
Weinkle, Jessica
  • PLS 209
  • Political Science 209
Manning, Michelle
  • ENG 382
  • English 382
Axe, Kelsey
  • UNI
  • University College
Stevens, John
  • SPN 308
  • Spanish 308
Emslie, Steve
  • BIO 367
  • Biology 367
Das, Amrita
  • SPN 495
  • Spanish 495
Kuz-Grady, Anastasia
  • SOC 220
  • Sociology 220
Boomershine, Amanda
  • SPN 215
  • Spanish 215
Gaiters, Seth
  • PAR 220
  • Philosophy and Religion 220
Boyd, Babette
  • CRM 110
  • Criminology 110
McGuire, Beverley
  • PAR 373
  • Philosophy and Religion 273
Suanda, Sutara
  • PHY 480
  • Physical Oceanography 480
Olsen, Rachel
  • EBD 281
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Development 481
Rivero-Navarro, Sergio
  • SPN 302
  • Spanish 302
Barthe, Pascale
  • FRH 102
  • French 102
Hallenbeck, Sarah
  • ENG 204
  • English 204
Robinson, Candice
  • SOC 105
  • Sociology 105
Gordon, Michael
  • SPN 305
  • Spanish 303
Ternes, Brock
  • SOC 215
  • Sociology 215
White, Tara
  • HST 571
  • History 571
Tolar, Bradley
  • BIO 330
  • Biology 330
Sutter, Lori
  • BIO 340
  • Biology 340
Daspit, Lesley
  • INT 332
  • International Studies 332
Gebauer, Judith
  • MIS 480
  • Management Information Systems 480
Ai Ning Loh
  • OCN 475/GLY 575
  • Oceanography 475/Geology 575
Robinson, Candice
  • SOC 525
  • Sociology 525
Shanker, Priyadarshini
  • FST 500
  • Film Studies 500
Daspit, Lesley
  • INT 333
  • International Studies
Gaiters, Seth
  • PAR 377
  • Philosophy and Religion 377
Johnson, Winifred
  • CHM 536
  • Chemistry 536
Wagenseller, Edwin
  • THR 121
  • Theatre 121
Puente, Antonio
  • PSY 105
  • Psychology 105
Tolar, Bradley
  • BIO 564
  • Biology 564
McGuire, Beverley
  • PAR 400
  • Philosophy and Religion 400
Weinkle, Jessica
  • PLS 329/MCOP 511
  • Political Science 329
Weinkle, Jessica
  • MCOP 511/PLS 329
  • Master of Coastal and Ocean Policy 511
Schulz, Patti
  • University College
Penton, Elizabeth
  • ANT 395
  • Anthropology 395
Roberts, Chadwick
  • COM 301
  • Communications 301
Daspit. Lesley
  • INT 331
  • International Studies 331
Peterson, Todd
  • PSY 456
  • Psychology 456
Dennis, Dorcas
  • PAR 378
  • Philosophy and Religion 378
Chen-Edinboro, Lenis
  • PBH 105
  • Public Health 105
Morling, Malena
  • CRW 420/581
  • Creative Writing 420/581
Petroff, Annemarie
  • CLR 340
  • Clinical Research 340
Posey, Martin
  • BIO 498
  • Biology 498
Matyczyk, Ewa
  • ARH 204
  • Art History 204
Young, Henry
  • PAR 103
  • Philosophy and Religion 103
Emslie, Steve
  • BIO 580
  • Biology 580
Bliss, Greta
  • FRH 319
  • French 319
Trokhimenko, Olga
  • GER 201
  • German 201
Trokhimenko, Olga
  • GER 102
  • German 102
Slivken, Erik
  • MAT 101
  • Mathematics 101
Gokce, Leo Emre
  • MIS 213
  • Management Information Systems 213
Halls, Joanne
  • GGY 520
  • Geography 520
Petroff, Annemarie
  • CLR 430
  • Clinical Research 430
Palmer, Liza
  • FST 363
  • Film Studies 363
MacKain, Sally
  • PSY 450
  • Psychology 450
Parker, Noelle
  • ENG 190
  • English 190
Harris, Allison
  • ENG 110
  • English 110
Trokhimenko, Olga
  • HON 210
  • Honors 210
Nguyen, Qui Ha
  • FST 205
  • Film Studies 205
Kubasko, Dennis
  • SEC 310
  • Secondary Education 310
Dogan, Gulustan
  • CSC 502
  • Computer Science 502
Willingham, Breea
  • CRM 495
  • Criminology 495
Sweeney, Meghan
  • ENG 205
  • English 205
Harris, Emmanuel
  • SPN 412/512
  • Spanish 412/512
Cook, Kimberly
  • CRM 495
  • Criminology 495
Ray, Anirban
  • ENG 319
  • English 319
Emslie, Steve
  • BIO 456
  • Biology 456